I am not with Emily at the moment, so it's just Cass.
BUTTTT- i decided to post anyway because if we want readers, we want posts.
Well anyway, it is 9:too early in the morning and I really shouldn't be online but I am
because my sister left for college this morning (shes a junior) and so I was just up anyway.

Anyway. Topic for discussion: School on Wednesday.
UGHHH. I've been having these crazy dreams lately and it's completely strange because
most of them have to do with school being on trains, or me not doing my homework
or some ridiculous thing like that. Anyway, I'm freaking out because I don't want to
screw anything up. If I don't keep my grades pristine, my mom stops letting me take dance.
Which will SUUUCKKK.
Moving on.... I don't want to wake up early. And do homework. And go to class.
I want to sleeeeeep.
well, going.
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