Sunday, August 31, 2008


Cass; I know what you mean. I am just as unexcited as you are. Plus, I can't seem to get any money together and I have all this clothing I want to buy. Ebay has WAY too much beeeeauuutiful stuff, but in order for me to buy something, I need actual dollars! Money!

Considering getting a job, or is this social suicide?

Whatever the case, good clothing = money = job. My parents give me fourty a week, but I spend most of this on the necesities - magazines (I WANT MISSBEHAVE RIGHT NOW. GA;OFHADOFHOFH!!) and Starbucks... I know, my addiction to iced vanilla lattes is quite the little gang banger.

Also, I would like to post a formal introduction to Oliver. He's a Bichon Frise, and although not fashion related, he is basically my buddy.


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